Develop Self to Lead & Succeed in Life...
One Must Understand Self Before Leading Others
I wanted to share my thoughts, insights, beliefs and observations with you ….. NOT because mine are right, NOT so you will have the same thoughts & beliefs as me ---- but so that YOU may reflect upon mine and develop YOUR OWN. My intent is to stir your own thoughts and reflections in 4 core areas of self: financial, personal, professional and spiritual so you can develop an overall compass for YOUR life.
As you go through life, hopefully you can add your own insights, wisdom and reflections. Pass this and your additions along to the next generation so their life can be richer by having more insights and wisdom to reflect upon as they develop their compass to guide their lives.
“Insights provides philosophical, practical and concrete advice for life and lifestyle management …. particularly for young people just charting their life’s course. One of the strengths of the book is space for personal reflection, notes and planning immediately after reading the material in each section …. this space provides opportunities for incorporating the lessons learned into personal behavior and action.”